


Support of tax audits

The service includes:

  • Advising the Client
  • Formation of the line and tactics of behaviour with the tax authorities
  • Assistance in preparation of documents and explanations requested by the tax authority
  • Preparation for tax control measures (preparation of the manager and employees to give explanations and testimonies to the tax inspection, to inspection of premises and inventory).
    Representation of the client's interests during tax control measures (during inspections, seizures and searches in the client's company, accompanying the client when giving explanations and testimony)
  • Joint visits with the client to the controlling authorities, as well as representation of the client's interests in the controlling authorities
  • Appealing the results of the audit (preparation and submission of objections to the act of audit, preparation of complaints against the decisions of the tax authority in the pre-trial settlement of tax disputes)

Options of service cost per 1 hour:

  • Lawyer: from 7 500 RUB
  • Leading lawyer: from 10 000 RUB
  • Head of practice: from 12 500 RUB
1 час
from 7 500 RUB
Support of tax audits

You are required to

  • Сведения об обстоятельствах налоговой проверки.
  • Беседа с нашим юристом.

Frequent questions

What is a tax audit?

Control by tax authorities over the correct and timely assessment and payment of taxes is called a tax audit. In this case, the tax authority takes as a basis the tax declarations submitted by taxpayers during a certain period (for which an audit is conducted).

What types of tax audits are there?

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for 2 types of audits - field and desk audits.

What does an on-site audit include?

During an on-site audit, the tax authority controls how the company fulfils the obligations reflected in contracts, as well as the availability and compliance with internal documents of the company. Cash discipline, tax accrual, accounting of income, expenses and economic feasibility of business operations, i.e. practically all of the company's activities for a certain period are subject to inspection.

The main distinguishing features of a field tax audit :

the place of the audit - the territory of the taxpayer or the tax authority (if the audited entity cannot provide the auditors with premises);
period of audit - not more than 2 months (but may be extended up to 4 months, and in exceptional cases - up to 6 months);
audit period - not more than 3 years preceding the year when the decision to conduct an audit was made.

What does a desk audit include?

A desk audit is carried out with respect to the correctness of the calculation and payment of a particular tax and the reflection of these data in the taxpayer's submitted declaration.

The main distinguishing features of a desk tax audit:

location - within the walls of the Federal Tax Service with the taxpayer providing copies of documents requested by inspectors;
duration of the audit - not more than 3 months (Value Added Tax (VAT) declarations - 2 months);
audit period - reporting (tax) period for a particular tax (on tax returns submitted by taxpayers).

This type of tax audit begins immediately after the submission of a tax return. Its main task is to identify inconsistencies in reporting, untimely reflection of business operations and payment of taxes, incorrect completion of declarations. If the inspectors find irregularities in the calculation of taxes, the taxpayer will be additionally charged the missing amounts, as well as penalties and fines.

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